32nd Annual UMBC McNair Research Conference
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Saturday, September 21

7:30am EDT

Sponsors Setup & Registration (Continued)
Saturday September 21, 2024 7:30am - 8:30am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 7:30am - 8:30am EDT
Sheraton 3rd Floor

8:00am EDT

Networking Breakfast
Saturday September 21, 2024 8:00am - 10:00am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 8:00am - 10:00am EDT
Sheraton 3rd Floor

10:30am EDT

Colonization Awareness of the Cuetlaxochitl Poinsettia Through Quinceanera Fashion
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
This undergraduate research project addresses the problem of colonization of the Cuetlaxochitl,
commonly known as the poinsettia flower. We hypothesis that creating and showcasing a
Quinceanera dress and accessories will highlight the decolonization of the Cuetlaxochitl and will
increase awareness and understanding of the flower's cultural significance and colonization
history. This research seeks to revive and honor the indigenous heritage of the Cuetlaxochitl and
foster cultural appreciation. The research methods involve designing, patterning, and
constructing a Quinceanera dress and accessories that visually represent the poinsettia's origin
story. Additionally, a survey will be distributed to peers to assess their awareness of the
colonization of the Cuetlaxochitl. The survey results, along with insights from various sources
such as academic journals, stories of the Cuetlaxochitl, and cultural heritage websites, will
inform the design process. The expected outcome is an increased awareness and appreciation of
the Cuetlaxochitl's cultural history among the audience, demonstrating the effectiveness of
fashion as a medium for cultural education and decolonization.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT

10:30am EDT

Addressing Campus Food Insecurity at Maryland’s Public 2- and 4-year Colleges
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
The increasing demographic diversity of college students, including more low-income and non-
traditional students have heightened the prevalence of food insecurity on campuses. Currently,
three in five college students experience food insecurity. This study aimed to understand the
steps that public 2- and 4-year colleges in Maryland are taking to assess and address food
insecurity among students. Using a qualitative approach, public health students developed an
interview guide and identified key informants through college websites and the Maryland Hunger
Solutions hunger-free campus network. Interviews were conducted between 2022 and 2024, and
data were analyzed to identify common themes. We determined that nearly all campuses have
implemented programs to combat food insecurity. We identify the broad array of programming, ranging from small food closets to comprehensive support systems, including free
grocery stores, save-a-swipe programs, food recovery initiatives, farmer’s markets, grocery
store gift cards, campus emergency funds, SNAP application support, and community referrals.
This research aims to highlight and share best practices for addressing food insecurity and
inform collective action, such as advocacy at the state level.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
Camden II

10:30am EDT

Little Learners, Big Cultures: An Analysis of Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices in LAUSD Elementary Schools
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
Culturally responsive teaching (CRT) is a student-based teaching practice that uses the students' customs, characteristics, experiences, and perspectives as tools to create a supportive classroom environment. This study will create a comprehensive database of the various approaches to CRT practice implementation throughout LAUSD elementary school curriculums. There are two questions that this study hopes to answer, the first: What can the findings of a detailed analysis of LAUSD elementary school websites uncover about their respective implementations of Culturally Responsive Teaching practices? The second: Can a significant correlation be found between the inclusion of CRT practices in elementary school classrooms and higher rates of academic success of the students in those classrooms? The data collection process, completed for each of the 400+ LAUSD elementary schools, examines student population racial composition, the percentage of students on free/reduced fee lunch programs, school size, whether the school claims to implement CRT practices into their curriculum, the methods for CRT practice implementation, the accessibility of CRT information on their school website, and academic achievement trends of the students both before and following the proposed CRT practice implementation. This study aims to bridge the gaps between the theory of CRT practices and its application.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT

10:30am EDT

Slavery In New Jersey: The Lives Who Endured
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
Slavery in New Jersey occurred from the 1600s as a Dutch colony, until 1866, when the 13th Amendment was ratified, something that New Jersey voted twice on before passing. In recent decades historians have done more research on slavery in the north. This work often focuses on slavery as a whole instead of the individual experiences of enslaved persons during this time. Limited documentary evidence leaves historians with a lot of statistics over being able to make a complete history of an individual. The goal of this research is to share the experiences of Black Americans in Lawrence Township from the time of the American Revolution to the Civil War. By examining history from this perspective, case studies of several individuals will add to the literature the untold stories of Black Americans who are not identified as historical figures in textbooks. Implementing an analysis of the historical accounts personifies broad themes and puts faces onto statistics. This study uses qualitative methodology to review primary documents and secondary sources to support the research findings.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
Camden I

10:30am EDT

Titania-Silica Hybrid Aerogel-Like Materials for Catalysis Applications
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
The widespread use and development of aerogels for catalysis applications is due to their characteristically high surface area. However, the synthesis of typical aerogels is costly and time-consuming, and the need for supercritical drying to preserve surface area compounds both of these issues. This study serves to further modify our novel synthesis to chemically control binding sites to increase surface area. Our original synthesis involved doping fumed silica with titanyl sulfate hydrate followed by drying and calcining at high temperatures to remove any water and organic molecules. The proposed modification of this procedure involved doping fumed silica with a second, smaller compound prior to adding titanyl sulfate to chemically promote binding at sites away from naturally occurring pores in the fumed silica. Characterization through scanning electron microscopy, BET surface area analysis, and BJH pore size distribution showed that doping the fumed silica prior to adding the titanyl sulfate did result in a substantially larger surface area and an increase in nanopores. As surface area is intrinsically tied to catalysis, further developments in high surface area materials result in more efficient catalysts.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT

10:30am EDT

Central American Queer Experience with the Trajectory Journey and Pre & Post Mental Health
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
Severn III

10:30am EDT

Crossing Continents: A Review of African Extra-Continental Migrants’ Journey through Latin America
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
Migration will always be a pivotal aspect of humankind. Throughout history, people have moved from one place to another, crossing borders, oceans, and continents, settling into new lands, and contributing to the human experience. This study examines the emerging trend of Sub-Saharan African migrants utilizing Latin American routes to reach the United States. Through a systematic review of current literature, we analyze the motivations behind this hazardous journey, the experiences of migrants en route, and the potential impact on their integration in destination countries. Our research reveals a shift in global migration patterns, with Sub-Saharan African migrants increasingly using Latin American routes to reach the United States, driven by stricter policies in traditional destinations like Europe. Migrants typically enter Latin America legally before undertaking perilous overland journeys northward, facing crime, discrimination, and natural hazards. This study highlights the complex interplay between border policies, geopolitical factors, and migrant strategies. It underscores the need for further research into this trend, focusing on migrants' experiences and policy implications for transit and destination countries. Our findings contribute to understanding evolving migration patterns and their sociopolitical consequences, emphasizing the need for adaptive policies to address these changing dynamics.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
Severn I

10:30am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
Severn II

10:30am EDT

The Lived Experiences of Unhoused Students in Higher Education
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
This study investigates how institutional policies at Westminster University and Salt Lake Community College impact the experiences of unhoused college students in Utah. By understanding these policies, I aim to identify necessary changes to better support this underrepresented population. The research employs a mixed-methods approach. Ethnographic methods will provide insights through direct observation of student interactions and institutional environments. Autoethnographic research will draw on my own experiences as an unhoused student. Additionally, I conduct 6-10 semi-structured interviews with current or recent students who have experienced homelessness while enrolled in higher education. The interview process will begin in the Fall 2024 semester. Through this comprehensive approach, the study seeks to shed light on the lived experiences of unhoused college students and suggest policy changes to improve their educational journey and overall well-being.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am EDT
Loch Raven I

10:30am EDT

Oral Presentations II
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Breakout Rooms

10:50am EDT

Loving Union Jack: Anti-Blackness and the Hypocrisy of Jamaican Nationalism
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
When Jamaica gained independence in 1962, it grappled with the question of how to define Jamaican national identity. With the absence of Indigenous culture, Jamaican nationalism sought to develop an identity that would unify its diverse population that comprised the descendants of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, and European-descended peoples. Despite this approach towards racial inclusion, I argue that 20th-century Jamaican nationalism is a reflection of colonialism. While in theory, Jamaican nationalism was inclusive of its multiracial population, in practice, it maintained European beauty standards. Consequently, there is a societal preference for beauty attributes aligned with Europe’s standards. The physical appearance of the Jamaican identity also spews over to other sectors of Jamaican society, such as economic wealth and political power. This undesirableness of being Black, which is seen in Creole Nationalism, is further defined through the oppression of Afro-Jamaicans and enacted violence against the Afrocentric expressions of Rastafarians. The government’s narrative of racial harmony creates a colour-blind society; rather than addressing the racial tensions and problems in society, the government masks it under the motto, “Out of Many, One People,” and race is no longer a problem. This further perpetuates Jamaica’s racial issues, and race becomes more ingrained in society.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT

10:50am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Camden II

10:50am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Camden I

10:50am EDT

Complexities of Claiming Indigeneity as Chican*s and US-Born Mexicans
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Does being Chican* or a US-born Mexican mean you are inherently indigenous? These communities' unique histories are one of the reasons behind an assertive answer to this question. This literature review examines the different arguments surrounding the complexity of claiming indigeneity as Chican*s and US-born Mexicans. The argument is that claiming indigeneity as Chican*s and US-born Mexicans can, unintentionally, contribute to the neglect of Indigenous struggles and experiences. US-born Mexicans (commonly called Mexican Americans) were included due to their similarities with Chican*s. To critically analyze this issue, the literary focus was placed on the historical junctions of the analyzed literature and the general arguments relating to Chican* Indigeneity and Indigenism. The historical junctures chosen were the Spanish conquest, Modern Nation-State Mexico, the Anglo conquest, and the Chicano movement. Then, both supporting and critiquing stances were examined for two questions: are Chican*s Indigenous? And is a potential claim beneficial? The gap found was that the content surrounding this discussion, primarily written in English, restricts perspectives critical to this conversation. As the final point, the stance taken is that counterarguments about policing or validating identity fail to include Indigenous frameworks, where then claimed indigeneity could perpetuate settler colonialism.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT

10:50am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) targets CD4+ cells, weakening the immune system and potentially leading to AIDS. Understanding the virus's structure and focusing on its more stable regions is essential to create more effective treatments. Genomic recognition, a highly conserved process, represents a promising drug target. Mutagenesis studies have identified the Core Encapsidation Signal (CES) as the minimal packaging unit for HIV-1, which shows nucleocapsid (NC) binding. Ding et al. determined the highest affinity binding sites of NC on the 5’ Leader of HIV are in the CES region. The central finding was that the binding of NC causes unwinding within the PSI hairpin of the viral RNA, which is important for genome packaging and viral replication. Our project focuses on the MAL over Ding's NL4-3 strain of HIV-1 to determine the binding characteristics of NC on the RNA packing signal. To quantify the number of binding sites in the MAL packaging signal and the affinity of NC on those sites, we utilized Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Isothermal Calorimetry. Our next goal will be to characterize the RNA and Gag interactions important for nucleocapsid binding, genome selection, and selective packaging. Overall, understanding the conserved region advances HIV antiviral therapies.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT

10:50am EDT

Access to Long COVID care
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Long COVID, a chronic condition persisting for at least three months after SARS-CoV-2
infection, affects millions of people in the United States. This study examines disparities in
access and barriers to Long COVID care among adults in Michigan who have ever experienced
Long COVID, using data from the Michigan COVID-19 Recovery Surveillance Study (MI
CReSS). We calculated weighted prevalence estimates on access and barriers to Long COVID
care overall and by sex (male, female), age (18-34, 35-54, 55-64, 65+ years), and race and
ethnicity (Hispanic, non-Hispanic White (White), non-Hispanic Black (Black), Another race or
ethnicity). Among adults who ever experienced Long COVID, only 34.5% sought medical care
for their symptoms. Many adults faced barriers such as cost, transportation, work obligations,
caregiving responsibilities, and uncertainty about where to seek care. Generally, these barriers
disproportionately affected females, young adults aged 18 to 34, and adults identifying as
Hispanic, Black, or Another race or ethnicity. For example, females had higher percentages of
delaying care due to transportation, inability to get off work, and caregiving responsibilities,
compared to males. Policies aimed at improving accessibility, affordability and awareness of
Long COVID care can alleviate these disparities, thus promoting health equity.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Severn I

10:50am EDT

Me Canso De Ser Hombre: Latino men and machismo on social media
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
This study explored the ways in which young Latino men construct their masculinity and create conversations on social media regarding the way they were raised and socialized to be men. Machismo can be harmful to men who endorse it and for the people around them as well. Because machismo is prevalent in the Latino culture, a strengths based lens was used to identify the negative aspects as well as the positive (caballerismo). Five videos found on TikTok were analyzed in their entirety for data collection. The videos ranged from 47 seconds to 44 minutes that included young Mexican and Central American men identifying their struggles with machismo. Six themes were found throughout the 5 videos which were the topic for discussion in this paper. Findings suggest that young Latino men are leaving behind machismo and leaning towards caballerismo in their everyday lives. These men are choosing to ask hard questions about their masculinity and creating community on social media while also starting conversations around machismo and the harmful effects of it.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Loch Raven I

10:50am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Severn III

10:50am EDT

The Psychedelic Connection: Exploring Psychedelic’s Effects on Social Relationships
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
The revival of research on the effects of psychedelics in psychology has opened new methods for
understanding human consciousness, creativity, and connections. This study focuses on
connection, specifically interpersonal relationships. Prior research has discovered extreme
changes in the mental states of individuals who have had psychedelic experiences.
However, the social aspects of psychedelic experiences are relatively unresearched. This
investigation aims to examine psychedelic-linked relationships in an exploratory manner. Forty-eight participants were recruited who had a psychedelic experience within the past 12 months, had an interpersonal partner alongside them during the experience, and had used either
psilocybin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), or 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(MDMA) for their psychedelic experience. Our participants' relationships with their partners who accompanied them in their most recent psychedelic session were evaluated. Relationship quality was assessed via an anonymous online survey that addressed the quality of
their relationship before their most recent psychedelic experience and the current quality of their
relationship. Relationship quality data was assessed with the Interpersonal
Relationship Quality Scale (IRQS). A Wilcox Signed-Rank Test indicated that participants'
relationship quality following a psychedelic experience were significantly higher than
before the psychedelic experience.
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:50am - 11:05am EDT
Severn II

11:00am EDT

Grad Rep Registration
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Sheraton 3rd Floor

11:00am EDT

Grad Reps Setup
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Harborview Ballroom

11:10am EDT

A Life Shattered: Wrongful Convictions in the U.S.
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT
Camden I

11:10am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT
Camden II

11:10am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT
avatar for Jessica Gallardo

Jessica Gallardo

Jessica Gallardo is a distinguished McNair Scholar at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas, where she is triple majoring in International Business, Marketing, and Global Languages and Cultural Studies with a concentration in German and Spanish. Her latest research project compares... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT

11:10am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT

11:10am EDT

11:10am EDT

11:10am EDT

11:10am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT
Severn III

11:10am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:10am - 11:25am EDT
Severn I

11:30am EDT

Generational Views on the Climate Crisis and its Effects on Mental Health and Family Planning
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
There is no denying the physical impacts the climate crisis has on populations especially older generations and those living with frailty, being more susceptible to heatwaves, flooding, and even infectious diseases. However, a growing concern seems to be the mental health impacts the climate crisis has on younger generations and how they plan their families. With terms such as eco-anxiety, climate stress, and ecological grief on the rise younger generations seem to be more impacted when it comes to fighting for environmental change. Existing research indicates a split between generations when it comes to their views on the climate crisis with younger generations being more aware of the severity of the global problem and older generations not being aware or simply not caring. The purpose of this research is to explore the impacts the climate crisis has on students at Stanislaus State and how it impacts their future. This research can be used to implement policies to support students at Stanislaus State, educate its community, and gain insight on the mental health impacts the climate crisis has on younger generations.
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
Camden II

11:30am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
Camden I

11:30am EDT

How Does War Impact Individuals and Businesses in the Democratic Republic of Congo?
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
This project investigates the multifaceted challenges faced by businesses and individuals in the conflict-ridden environment of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In a country where ongoing conflict disrupts lives and creates an atmosphere of insecurity, this study seeks to understand why many businesses fail and how these failures impact Congolese people. The research will explore the lived experiences of business owners whose enterprises collapsed or were harmed due to the war. The study aims to highlight issues such as infrastructure damage, supply chain disruptions, and the struggle for stability in a post-conflict setting marked by limited access to essential services like clean water, food, healthcare, and education. Additionally, the research will explore gender-specific challenges, including sexual harassment and early marriage, to understand how these issues intersect with business and personal resilience. Through semi-structured interviews, ethnography, and autoethnography, the project will shed light on the nuanced experiences of those affected by conflict. By tackling these interconnected challenges, the study aspires to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of post-conflict recovery and inform policies that support sustainable development and gender equity in the region.
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT

11:30am EDT

Necessary but Insufficient: Student Perceptions of the Ethnic Studies Requirement at a Historically White Institution
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
Discourse on the purpose of learning and DEI in U.S. higher education is an increasingly contentious topic. Existing DEI initiatives are under attack, undermining the political and ethical dimensions of learning. Students are also demanding more from higher education, with diversity course requirements being common mechanisms for change. This paper interrogates students’ perceptions of an ethnic studies requirement as a change process through articles from flagship student newspapers at UW-Madison. Using Critical Policy Analysis and Interest Convergence, we found that students perceive diversity requirements to lack criticality and their visions for higher education include transformative and challenging courses. Centering students’ assertions of curricular reform will facilitate future social justice initiatives and elucidate conditions affecting implementation of change work.
avatar for Milo Dufresne-MacDonald

Milo Dufresne-MacDonald

St. Edward's University
Currently a senior at St. Edward's University with a major in Psychology, minor in Sociology, and completeing a certificate in Data Analysis. Aspiring to obtain a Ph.D in education policy with a focus on inequality and lack of diversity in higher education curriculums.
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT

11:30am EDT

C. elegans as applicable models for antihelminthic drug studies
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
Treatment for parasitic worms in animals is a common practice in veterinary medicine. Additionally, anthelmintics are a group of antiparasitic drugs that paralyze or kill the given parasite without causing any significant damage or harm to the host. This study focuses on three specific parasite preventatives commonly administered to animals which includes, Ivermectin, Albendazole, and Pyrantel. Furthermore, an N2 stain of C. elegans (microscopic worms) were utilized as models for various parasitic worms in order to gain a better understanding of how gene expression is altered when treated and exposed to varying concentrations of antihelminthic drugs. This study incorporated mixed investigations consisting of qPCR (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction), behavioral assays, western blots, and imaging through confocal microscopy. The scientific findings and variation in data from the results of these studies ultimately led to inconclusive results and conclusions. However, the primary purpose of these observations are to potentially elucidate resistance factors of these nematodes, which can possibly improve the effectiveness of antihelminthic drugs in actual parasitic worms.
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT

11:30am EDT

Equal Sign Representation and Mathematical Agency in Adolescents
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
The equal sign is a primary representation of equivalence, particularly in primary and secondary level mathematics. Consequently, the equal sign can represent equivalence in many ways: as a general relation, as an equivalence relation, and as a signal for substitution. Engaging in diverse usage of the equal sign can have a crucial impact as a precursor to algebra knowledge (Donovan et al., 2018; Matthews & Fuchs, 2018). Likewise, students with higher usage of substitutive equivalence have been shown to exhibit easier transitions into early algebraic topics (Donovan et al., 2022). As such, understanding the underlying mechanisms that allow for such an interpretation of the sign should be examined. In this study, we seek to develop more insight on substitutive equivalence and the factors which affect students’ abilities to adapt such a view of the equal sign.
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
Severn II

11:30am EDT

Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) in United States Collegiate Athletics
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
The U.S. Supreme Court case of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) v. Alston ruled that the NCAA violates federal antitrust laws by prohibiting compensation for collegiate athletes. This decision gave collegiate student-athletes the opportunity for rightful compensation through the implementation of Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) policies on a national level. The purpose of this study is to explore the outcomes surrounding the previous court ruling through a review of the literature. A gap within this context are the arguments, perceptions, and effect of NIL on the quality of collegiate sports experienced by collegiate fans and spectators alike. The significance of this literature review is to explore, analyze, and expand the understanding of NIL in reference to collegiate fans.

Taras Mykhaylyshyn

Rider University
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
Severn III

11:30am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
avatar for Twayna Williams

Twayna Williams

Major: Public Health- Health Promotion Disease Prevention, Dillard University
Twayna Williams is a senior public health major from Reserve, LA. She/Her research interests include exploring HIV transmission and developing new medicines using CRISPR to create a vaccine or cure for HIV. In addition to participating in the McNair Scholars Program, Twayna is an... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
Severn I

11:30am EDT

The Rural Man Paradox: A Comparative Analysis of the Early 20th and 21st Century Rural American Worker
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
The backbone of the United States since its inception has been its workers. This became especially clear with the Industrial Revolution in the United States in the years following the American Civil War. All of this build-up would lead to the first thirty years of the 20th century where the nation would see expansive growth in not only the diversity and complexity of its labor movement, but also passed some of the most influential and long-lasting laws concerning labor. And so the question must be asked in an era of landmark labor laws being repealed nationwide, what happened to labor and laborers? How did we go from rural laborers voting for anti-corporate and pro-government subsidization to pro-corporate tax cuts and anti-government interference?
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
Loch Raven I

11:50am EDT

Sense of Belonging & Academic Success of Underrepresented Minority Men at a Minority Serving Institution (MSI)
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Nationwide, underrepresented minority men historically exhibit the lowest retention and graduation rates in higher education. Additionally, their representation in high-paying fields, such as healthcare, is disproportionately low compared to their presence in society. This study examines how integrating resources without barriers or pressures can create a foundation of success for underrepresented minority men at a Minority Serving Institution (MSI). Involvement in mentoring, specialized classes, and organizations that reflect their backgrounds fosters essential skills and motivation. Our data indicates that engagement in community activities with peers of similar backgrounds enhances both academic performance and a sense of belonging. By introducing underrepresented minority men into supportive environments, such as mentoring programs, community service, and professional experiences tailored for underrepresented communities, their drive to succeed is amplified. Education on internships expose these men to their fields of interest and allow them to visit different schools, providing hands-on experience and helping them envision their future. Consequently, these young men are better equipped to enter their desired fields, overcoming societal stigmas and false expectations.
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Camden I

11:50am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT

11:50am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT

11:50am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT

11:50am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
This research investigates the motivations and practices of consumer activism among college students at the University of Southern Mississippi (USM), focusing on their engagement with boycotts related to the Israel and Palestine conflict. Employing a grounded theory approach with qualitative semi-structured interviews, the study identifies key themes such as the central role of social media in informing activism, the constraints students face in supporting boycotts, and their perceptions of activism’s effectiveness. The findings suggest that while students are motivated by ethical concerns and social pressure, practical limitations and differing views on activism’s success influence their participation. The study contributes to the literature on ethical consumerism and offers insights for brands and policymakers on better engaging with this demographic.
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Loch Raven I

11:50am EDT

Search Engine Bias and Its Impact on Consumers Purchase Decisions
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Prior research has examined the lack of racial representation within algorithms and search engines. Basic searches like “beautiful women” or “professional hairstyles” frequently fail to produce images representing anything other than white Eurocentric features. This disparity between race and algorithms can occur within search engine platforms, especially those that claim to prioritize diversity. However, the extent to which these platforms are addressing these diversity issues remains unclear. There is a gap in research exploring bias search engines effects on consumers. As a result, this exploratory research aims to study how search engine results reflected in digital media applications lack sufficient representation and its impact on consumer behavior such as purchase decisions and spending habits. In this study, 39 participants completed a survey that presented algorithm audits of various search engine results like “gym outfits” and “makeup looks.” Participants then evaluated whether these results would influence their purchase decisions. The findings indicated that African Americans were less likely to feel represented and consequently, less likely to use that information to make a purchase. These results suggest that racially biased algorithmic results may negatively impact persons of color during the consumer decision process while simultaneously decreasing brand visibility.
avatar for Destiny Pierre

Destiny Pierre

Student, Rider University
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Severn III

11:50am EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Severn I

11:50am EDT

Understanding through a Holistic Critical Mentoring Lens the Manifestation of Stress Produced by Standardized Testing in College Students
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Students transitioning into higher education experience severe stress, especially when taking exams. Standardized Testing increases test anxiety, which consists of physiological over-arousal with impaired thinking of failure. While universities responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by temporarily dismissing standardized admission tests, some institutions are reconsidering the tests as admissions requirements. In addition, stress is highly detrimental to a student’s well-being, and standardized testing induces stress for students. Furthermore, the social attribution model helps explain how we engage with stress within external or internal environments. Empathizing and seeing all students’ humanity, hearts, spirits, and bodies is crucial. Therefore, institutions and their leaders who use a holistic critical mentoring framework empathize with their students and consider their culture and lived experiences when making decisions that impact the students. In this study, I explore symptom somatic disorders, which are body pains or fatigue symptoms that don’t go away, thus manifesting stress transmitted in the body and evident when college students stress over taking standardized tests. The literature review demonstrates the importance of advocating for the college student’s experience by integrating a holistic critical mentoring framework to reduce stress, provide resources for dealing with stress, and empathize with suppressed stress in individuals educational journey.
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:50am - 12:05pm EDT
Severn II

12:10pm EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
Camden I

12:10pm EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT

12:10pm EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT

12:10pm EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
Camden II

12:10pm EDT

Evaluating the relationships between anxiety symptoms on cognitive control using a lifespan sample
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
Anxiety is a common mental disorder that affects a large percentage of Americans. The 2024 results of the American Psychiatric Association’s annual mental health poll show that 43% of US adults report feeling more anxious than they did the previous year, up from 37% in 2023 and 32% in 2022 (American adults express increasing anxiousness in annual poll; stress and Sleep Are Key Factors Imp, 2024) Given this increase in reported symptoms, the present study aims to gain a better understanding of the relationship between anxiety and cognitive abilities to provide valuable insights for educators, counselors, and policymakers. This study is positioned to offer a comprehensive understanding of how anxiety, stress, and depression, may be related to attentional control and episodic memory using several tasks including the Stroop color naming task, the antisaccade task, the Operation-SPAN task, the n-back task, and episodic recall of information from an interfering context.
avatar for Rachel Wince

Rachel Wince

University of Southern Mississippi
Biochemistry major with a love of neuroscience
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
Loch Raven I

12:10pm EDT

Students’ Voices: Concerns, Challenges, & Success Strategies
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
This study examines concerns, challenges, and success strategies of students in a large introductory psychology course from Fall 2021 to Spring 2023. Out of 2,493 contacted students, 386 consented to data use. Two surveys were administered at semester start and midterm, focusing on four key areas: biggest concerns, other personal challenges, challenges faced, and improvement strategies.
The study analyzed 221 responses for biggest concerns (7 categories), 199 for other concerns (6 categories), and 364 each for challenges faced (9 categories) and improvement strategies (8 categories).
The research aims to understand the lasting impact of COVID-19 on higher education and student experiences. Findings partially overlap with common stressors identified in previous research, suggesting broader applicability.
Implications of this study could inform course instruction and construction at both college and K-12 levels. As education continues to evolve post-pandemic, these insights may help educators better understand and address student needs across various educational levels.
The study's focus on student experiences in the context of post-pandemic education highlights the importance of adapting teaching methods and support systems to meet changing student needs and challenges.

Alan Drake

Major: Psychology, University of Oklahoma
Hi! My name is Alan (they/them) & I am a senior psychology major attending the University of Oklahoma! I am interested in obtaining a doctorate and pursuing a career as a professor and researcher at an R1 Research Institution. I look forward to presenting my research & meeting you... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
Severn II

12:10pm EDT

Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:10pm - 12:25pm EDT
Severn I

12:45pm EDT

Networking Lunch
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:45pm - 2:30pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:45pm - 2:30pm EDT
Chesapeake Ballroom

1:00pm EDT

Grad Rep Lunch
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Loch Raven II

2:45pm EDT

Grad School Fair
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:45pm - 4:45pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:45pm - 4:45pm EDT
Harborview Ballroom

5:00pm EDT

Time to Celebrate!
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Chesapeake Ballroom

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